Approved by board, Oct. 17, 2010: What: Toronto Free-Net, board of directors meeting. When: Sunday, 15/Sep/2010, 19:30 - 23:10. Where: TFN office, 600 Bay St Suite 406. Minute taker: Boyd with assist from Iain. Attendance: 5 board members: cfaj Chris F.A. Johnson claudel Claude Latrémouille cq495 Howard Lastman cx555 Boyd Ramsay dn097 Iain Calder No other TFN members. Minutes: * Motion to approve minutes of board, Sept. 15, 2010. M/S: Boyd/Claude Aye: 4 Nay: 0 Motion carried. * Secretary's report given and discussed. * Report on AGM given and discussed. * Moved, That elections to the Toronto Free-Net board of directors be conducted at the Annual General Meeting and online. M/S: Chris/Iain Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Motion carried. * Moved, That each submitted ballot shall contain distinct names up to the maximum number of openings. M/S: Chris/Claude Aye: 3 Nay: 2 Motion carried. * President's report given and discussed. * Motion to adjourn. M/S: Claude/Chris Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Motion carried. Boyd Ramsay Secretary